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EzWebPresentation enables you to implement a new approach to Training: Live multimedia presentations that fill the gap in blended learning for employee training & highly interactive sales training.

Every day Training organizations are being asked to increase Training effectiveness and offer more options to accommodate busy schedules and distinct individual needs. At the same time they are being asked to cut their costs also. Training organizations get a quick return on their investment by increasing the effectiveness of their learning programs manifold with a range of new delivery options while significantly reducing travel and communications costs.

EzWebPresentation enables Training organizations to build innovative blended learning solutions for key areas such as:

Employee Training
Sales Training

Employee Training

EzWebPresentation enables you to implement a new approach to Employee Training: Live multimedia blended learning that is more effective, flexible and at lower cost.

With EzWebPresentation Training and Human resource managers are able to:

Lower the cost of Employee Training by reducing expenses associated with Travel, Facilities, Conference calling and    Productivity loss.
Increase the effectiveness of Employee Training programs by delivering customized Training anytime at any place    from anywhere without the delays of traditional programs.
Streamline Training program creation, management and delivery by combining live and recorded content, engaging    remote experts more easily, and tracking employee participation for internal and external compliance.

Sales Training

EzWebPresentation helps Sales managers create and enhance a Sales Training program that accelerates "ramp-up" time for new Sales training and improves the productivity of your existing Sales team.

EzWebPresentation is one of the premier tools to increase the Sales Training effectiveness and improve the Sales team productivity. With EzWebPresentation Sales managers benefit from:

Faster time-to-revenue for new Sales reps
Significantly lower Sales Training costs by decreasing Travel, Conference call costs and Time away from job.
Ongoing reinforcement without taking Training coaches to the field.
Live spot training and recorded work sessions.
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